Who we are

Our 8 million plus customers are at the heart of everything we do.

Office workers answering calls

Our work is as diverse as the people we serve. Learn about our achievements

Connecting people and government

The Department of Customer Service has made online services more accessible to all, added more staff to service centres, and implemented your feedback to make government easier.

As a central agency we:

  • set the strategy and service standards for the sector
  • provide digital, data, and behavioural insights services for the sector
  • deliver services directly to more than 8 million customers.

Our people

From safety inspectors to marriage celebrants, from customer service representatives to emergency response teams, our people are dedicated to making the lives of our customers better.


DCS stories - Karen Ellis making a difference

Karen from Fair Trading is a consumer protection officer making sure all the products you buy are safe and compliant with Australian Consumer Law.

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Video transcript

DCS stories - Karen Ellis making a difference

- I'm Karen Ellis. I'm a consumer protection officer. I work in New South Wales Fair Trading. Happily married, I have two grown-up children. Everyone's a customer and a lot of our roles revolve around customer service. The area that I concentrate on mainly is product safety, have done for many, many years, and that involves going out in the marketplace, looking for not only toys but other products, and those products have to comply with the standards. If they don't, then they're non-compliant with the Australian Consumer Law. I find that 99% of people, when you speak to them and treat them respectfully, you find the majority of them are very nice people and want to cooperate. The satisfaction I get out of my job's immense. I wouldn't be doing it for over 30 years if I didn't.


DCS stories - William Dieu making a difference

Will is the Manager of customer experience at Revenue NSW and is passionate about solving customer problems.

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Video transcript

DCS stories - William Dieu making a difference

- My name is William Dieu and I work as the manager of customer experience at Revenue NSW. We are the primary revenue-collecting agency for New South Wales Government. And what that means is we collect fines, debts and administer grants for our customers. I manage a team of analysts and designers who take a human-centered design approach to solving customer's problems. The team is great. I mean, I've only been here nine months but it already feels like a family to me. We are a bunch of passionate people who are genuinely passionate about our customers. I do feel excited coming to work because there's a meaning and a purpose. There's a goal of meeting customer's expectations and delivering on that. So that's what makes me wake up in the morning if you like.

Our minister

The Hon. Jihad DIB, MP

A headshot of Minister Jihad Dib in front of a white background

Jihad is a former board member of the Australia Day Council of NSW, the NSW Police Commissioner’s Advisory Panel, and the SBS Community Advisory Committee. 
Jihad has campaigned tirelessly for inclusiveness and the celebration of diversity in our society, believing in the notion that “if you can see it, you can be it”. 
Prior to being elected to the NSW Parliament in 2015, Jihad was Principal of Punchbowl Boys’ High. 
Over a period of 9 years, he transformed the school by developing strong relationships with the community, local organisations and government agencies.

Contact Minister Dib

Our leadership team

DCS is led by our Secretary, Graeme Head, and a team of experts accomplished in making practical strategies come to life. 

Our secretary Graeme Head

A headshot of DCS Secretary Graeme Head

Graeme became the Secretary for the NSW Department of Customer Service in November 2023, after holding numerous leadership positions in both the public and private sectors. 

He is an experienced organisational leader with an extensive track record in policy development, innovation and reform, and a keen focus on customer experience and streamlined service delivery. He has 25 years of experience at senior executive level in government, 17 of which were at chief executive level. 

Graeme previously served as the inaugural NSW Public Service Commissioner and held senior executive positions across government agencies, including at the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Sydney Catchment Authority, the former NSW Department of Commerce, and Department of Premier and Cabinet. 

He is a Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration of Australia and was made an Officer in the Order of Australia in the 2019 Australia Day Honours List. 

Our executive

Graeme’s leadership team includes:

  • Michael Tzimoulas, Chief Financial Officer
  • Jody Grima, Chief People Officer, People & Culture
  • Laura Christie, Deputy Secretary, Digital.NSW, Govt Chief Information & Digital Officer
  • Greg Wells, Managing Director, Service NSW
  • Natasha Mann, Deputy Secretary & NSW Fair Trading Commissioner
  • Leigh Sanderson, Deputy Secretary for Policy, Strategy & Governance 
  • Scott Johnston, Deputy Secretary, Revenue NSW
  • Catherine D’Elia, Deputy Secretary, Government Shared Services
  • Trent Curtin, A/ Deputy Secretary, SafeWork NSW
  • James Sherrard, NSW Building Commissioner
  • Andrew Floro, General Counsel

Independent agencies: 

  • State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA)
  • Personal Injury Commission (PIC)
  • Independent Review Office (IRO)
  • Small Business Commission (SBC)
  • Information and Privacy Commission (IPC)
  • NSW Telco Authority 

Our values

We are guided by our core values of integrity, trust, service and accountability. 

DCS employees* are bound by the core public sector values of integrity, trust, service and accountability. These core values help our employees remain fair, ethical and transparent.

*Refers to all individuals employed, appointed or otherwise engaged. This includes permanent, temporary and casual employees, as well as consultants, contractors and agency employees engaged to perform work for or on behalf of DCS.

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